Fees and registration
Early-bird registration closed 31 May 2021
Regular payment: 120 €, GLS members 100 € (1 June 2021 – 15 August 2021)
Please note that on-site payments will not be accepted. Conference fees are not refundable. The conference fee is calculated to cover especially the costs of the necessary IT support to enable the organization of the hybrid format of the conference. Additional costs covering specific support to enable on-line presentations and covering the needs of in-person participants amount to roughly the same. Furthermore we expect that participants may have to change their decisions regarding on-line or on-site attendance at the last moment due to changes in pandemic regulations. For these reasons the conference fee does not distinguish between on-line and on-site attendance. Costs related to possible on-site programs the extent of which will be dependent on current Czech regulations will be covered separately by those who decide to attend.
Stipends to cover conference fees may be available to PhD students, early-career scholars, and retirees whose conference papers have been accepted for. Send inquiries to gls2021Prague@ff.cuni.cz
Through the generosity of its members, the Gypsy Lore Society awards two stipends of $500 each to eligible Conference participants enrolled in a PhD program or those up to three years past completion of their PhD requirements.
For further details go here http://www.gypsyloresociety.org/2021-conference-registration