Václav Havel airport (Letiště Václava Havla) is located within 40 minutes distance by public transport from the conference venue. The best way to get to the venue is to take bus line 119 from “Letiště Václava Havla“ to “Nádraží Veleslavín“ (17 minutes) and then to change to metro line A from “Nádraží Veleslavín“ to “Staroměstská“. For searching through Prague Public Transport timetables, use
The leading taxi company in Prague is AAA taxi The prices for Taxi transport are regulated in Prague. The actual highest prices as stated on the Czech version of the Prague municipality website are: Boarding (Base Fare): 60 CZK; Driving: 36 CZK per kilometer; Waiting Time: 7 CZK per minute. For additional info about Taxi, please visit However, note that prices are not updated on the English version of the web; prices mentioned here are copied from the Czech version of the same web.